Placement Sites

Please note: while clinic site rank preferences will be considered, San Francisco Health Network - Behavioral Health Services (SFHN-BHS) clinics in San Francisco County will receive priority when matching fellows with available clinics. SFHN - BHS clinics include Mission Mental Health Services, South of Market Mental Health Services, and Chinatown North Beach Mental Health Services. Applicants must list at least one SFHN - BHS clinic to visit during interview process. Other potential clinic sites are TRUST clinic at Alameda County and HealthRIGHT360 in San Francisco.


SFHN - BHS (Mission Mental Health, South of Market Mental Health, Chinatown North Beach Mental Health)


Department of State Hospitals (DSH) at Napa State Hospital


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TRUST Clinic - Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless


HealthRIGHT 360




The following are potential clinic sites:



Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Psychiatric Emergency Services (ZSFG PES)